Lifestyle Playtime
We have a FaceBook Secret Group. It is searchable but only members can see who is in the group.
it is a great place to meet people and chat with friends.
Rules to join:
1) Female profiles and Profiles with the first name of both people of the couple are always acceptable.
2) Male profiles must have a committed relationship status and it must be visible to public so everyone in the group can see it. Group members alert us to this issue fairly quickly and you will be banned permanently if you change it and do not leave the group.
To Set Relationship status and visibility:
Timeline > About > in the section Basic Information point at the relationship item and 'Edit' and an audience preference icon will appear > click on the icon and an edit window opens, click on the icon in the window and a dropdown menu will open that allows you to set the privacy to "Public".
How to join
Simply search for LifestylePlaytime (no space). Select join group. You will be prompted for 3 questions. Remeber, if your a male profile, set your relationship status and make it visible to public or you will not be allowed in. You must maintain that committed status or you may be banned from the group. If your relationship status changes you must leave the group. If we remove you, you may be banned. Note: "open relationship" status is not a committed status.
Privacy tips
Privacy can be important to people. Set your privacy settings in Facebook.
We recommend you set your timeline and Tagging settings to "Friends" to limit who can post and see your timeline. Be careful who you friend. The most common mistake is allowing people to post unwanted items to their timeline. Remember friends posts on thier timelines automatically go to your timeline.
Some people like to create a separate profile for groups like ours. If you decide to do this, please create a profile for both of you and have a picture of you on it. It is acceptable to leave out your face or identifying tattoo's etc. We just like you to show your a couple.
Set your relationship status.
Have fun.
Looking forward to seeing you at one of our events