Lifestyle Playtime
KinkyPlaytime is our second group. It is designed for those people that want to explore kink and explore the swing lifestyle as well. Participants of our events are encouraged to visit the different areas and see what everything is all about.
Like all our events. All activities are optional and at your discretion. You may simple observe in our no pressure environment and simply learn what different kinks are or participate and enjoy first hand.

What is different in KP events than LPC
At LPC events we may occasionally have some BDSM equipment that is managed directly by a Dungeon Monitor. At KP events we have some equipment for guests to bring their own implements to use the equipment more freely. We are not a full service dungeon some some extreme activities my still be restricted.
KinkyPlaytime allows some single males to events. if it is a munch type event, there will be some open tickets for males. If it is an event that included nudity or play, it will be Distinguished Gentlemen only. The mix of single men allowed will be around 10-15% of expected people.
KP Full events may include several separate areas. A main social area with dancing and social areas. Dungeon area with various equipment based on space. A separate area for group swinger play. Feel free to move between spaces and visit those you wish.
Dungeon Space
We build a dungeon on site
Typically anywhere from 3 to 8 pieces of equipment will be brought to full events. Generally, a Cross, Spanking bench, massage tables and more are included. Some equipment is based on the facilites and safety such as fire play. Some equipment is brought by our guest Dungeon masters such as suspension equipment.

Distinguished Gentlemen
We build a dungeon on site
The KinkyPlaytime Distinguished Gentleman’s program (KPDG) is designed to not only prescreen gentlemen to attend events but to also to ensure that being labeled a KP DG will be important to the ladies and couples your looking to attract.
As a DG candidate, we also recognize that we are asking quite a bit of you. We ask candidate to complete some brief training materials to ensure they understand rules and expectations and that you meet some additional requirements. In return for doing what we ask, you will be allowed to attend KPDG friendly events when other single males will not be invited and you will be eligible for discounts and more.